When and how should I water my lawn

When watering your lawn, it is best to try to mimic nature by irrigating thoroughly to simulate natural rainfall. This encourages the lawn to deep root by forcing the roots deeper to search for water. Lightly watered lawn can create shallow rooted plants which need water all the time and are, therefore, ill prepared for a drought. Taking the “little and often watering approach” is therefore not recommended. It can also leave your lawn susceptible to turf disease.

Our advice is to water heavily to saturation point once or twice per week. Night-time or early in the morning, when there is less wind and hot sun, is the ideal time to water most lawns. If you water during the day, much of your water will be lost to wind and evaporation. The easiest way to ensure your lawn has received enough water in a watering session is to put a jam jar under the sprinkler and wait until there is an inch of water in the jar. It is easy to underestimate how much water is required to ensure the soil is thoroughly soaked.

We recommend the use of impact sprinklers. They tend to cover a large area and  are highly adjustable and so suit the majority of garden shapes and sizes.  pressure and flow rate.

Using a good quality sprinkler will cover a large lawn area, depending on your domestic water pressure.


Our video explains how to set up and use an impact sprinkler


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