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We hope you enjoy browsing our advice videos which take a closer look at many of the products we provide on The Lawn Store. Our videos have advice on how to choose and use the lawn and garden products available on our store. If you find this helpful don’t forget to give the video a “like” so that it helps others to find it in the future.

Welcome to the Lawnstore

A warm welcome to The Lawn Store. We are an online shop providing good quality lawn and garden products, supplied throughout the UK. We hope you enjoy browsing our store and also enjoying all of the other product videos that we have created to help you choose the right products for your garden project. We sell top quality turf, soil, lawn top dressings, grass seed, fertiliser, wildflower turf, wildflower seed, compost and ornamental bark mulch.

Video Transcript

Hello and welcome to The Lawn Store. I really hope you enjoy browsing our online shop. We’ve got lots and lots of products that are going to help you with your next landscaping project. We’ve got lots of different types of lawn turf. We’ve got lots of different types of organic top dressings, soils, and seed. All of this delivered straight to your door. I’ve been in the lawn and garden business for over 30 years.

Our company ethos is simple. We only supply products which we know are reliable and they’re going to provide you with great results. I hope you can take some time to look around our website and look at some of the information videos that we’ve done. I think you’ll find them very helpful.

How to buy and lay lawn turf

Do you need to order lawn turf for your garden? Do you need to know how to lay lawn turf? This video explains about the type of turf The Lawn Store can provide and offers some very useful tips on how to lay it. We supply turf throughout the UK and ensure it is delivered fresh and green to your property.

Video Transcript

Today I want to talk to you about our lawn turf. When it’s distributed to you, it comes on a pallet with up to 50 or 60 rolls on it. Each roll is equivalent to a square meter. When you unroll the turf, you will see that it’s a very good quality.

This turf that we’re looking at today is our Verdant lawn turf. It’s actually the one we sell the most of and it’s a really good all rounder. It contains a selection of dwarf rye grasses and fescue which give you everything that you need for a really good lawn.

When you receive your turf, it is important to try to lay it the same day, or certainly no later than the next day as it will soon start to deteriorate and turn yellow if it is left unrolled. Ensure that the soil is raked down and prepared to a fine, smooth, even till prior to the turf arriving. Lay the turf by standing on boards which will spread the weight of your feet and prevent the ground from becoming uneven. Stagger the joints like brickwork and ensure there are no gaps once the turf is laid.

As soon as you have laid your new lawn, it is essential to water it well with a sprinkler and don’t let it dry out until it is well rooted. This can take two or three weeks. If you don’t water enough, it will rapidly shrink and turn brown.

How to choose and apply top dressing

Top Dressing is used during lawn or sports pitch renovation. It is spread across and worked in to the surface of the lawn to smooth out imperfections and create an environment where new seed can germinate. Lawn care expert and Lawn Store managing director, Jim Hewlett, explains about the different types of top dressing and how it should be applied.

Video Transcript

This is our organic lawn top dressing. It’s made up of 80% well-rotted green compost and 20% washed sand. It really is a firm favorite with lawn care companies who want a great result from a top dressing. It’s extremely easy to spread and is very high in fertility. I just wanted to explain a bit about the top dressings that we supply. I often get asked, “What’s the difference between “an organic top dressing “and a 50/50 or 70/30 sand and loam top dressing?”

Here on my right, I’ve got a sample of our organic top dressing. As you can see, it’s a nice friable material which spreads really well, especially in a domestic lawn. It contains 20% washed sand and 80% well-rotted green compost. It’s become a real favorite with professional lawn care companies because it has good fertility and puts nutrient back into the soil. When we look at the sand and loam product, this sand and loam is available in either 70/30 or 50/50 mixtures. It’s often favored by groundsmen who are preparing sports pitches or renovating fine lawns.

Choosing the correct fertiliser for your lawn

The Lawn Store sells 5kg bags of lawn and garden fertiliser direct to your door across the UK. Choosing the right fertiliser for your lawn is very important and applying it correctly is essential. We explain about the range of fertilisers we offer and give advice on how to apply them.

Video Transcript

Today I want to speak to you about the most popular fertilisers in our range. We sell our fertilisers in five kilo bags. This is because they’re easy for you to handle and easy for us to ship. We can usually ship fertilisers to you within two days.

First, I want to talk about our semi organic fertiliser. 50% of it is from an organic source and 50% of it is from a non-organic source. When you look at the makeup of this product, you will see that’s it got small prills, which are the slow-release nitrogen element, and it also has natural refined chicken manure, or in some cases ONYX, which gives us the organic element. All of these fertilisers cover an area of lawn of around about 150 square metres.

Moving on to our fully organic fertiliser. This is 100% organic, it’s derived from plant extracts and it has a decent amount of amino acid, which is also very good for your lawn. It really is a very clean product, very easy to apply, and it’s extremely safe to apply to your lawn. It only contains 10% nitrogen, which is actually quite low, but it has all the other trace elements such as phosphates and potassium which are going to be great for your lawn. And also you can use this product anywhere in the garden, such as flower beds and veg plots as well.

Over here, I’ve got our Moss Blackening Lawn Fertiliser. Now, this one you’ve got to be a little bit more careful of when you use it. We would only use it between October and March when there’s no hot sun because if you do put this down in the sun, it could potentially scorch your lawn. But the great thing about this is is that it will keep your lawn green during the winter and control that moss, which, of course, is going to creep in, as soon as we get the wetter days and the darker days. You will see it’s quite a fine granule, and with this one, it’s really important not to get it on hard surfaces because it will stain and you will not get it off. However, still a very good autumn/winter fertiliser that you can use at home.

This is our Handy Green fertiliser spreader. It’s ideal for small lawns and DIY projects. It has a guide here on the side which gives you settings, one through to five, and a handle to turn to spread the product. Every product is different so the setting will vary depending on what you’re using. All we do is simply pull in the trigger where my finger is and start fertilising.

Choosing lawn seed and how to sow a new lawn

If you have ever tried to purchase lawn seed you will know that there are countless types of mixtures available and unless you are an expert it can be hard to decide on what is right for your project. We have been using and providing lawn seed for over 30 years and hope you will enjoy our guide on how to buy and sow lawn seed to get the very best results. The Lawn Store distributes lawn seed and wild flower seed direct to your door throughout the UK.ic.

Video Transcript

The grass seed usually comes in 20-kilo bags but for some varieties we can offer 10 or five-kilo bags as well. When you order your grass seed and you’ve chosen the one that you need, it’s usually dispatched to you within two to three working days.

This is our DLF Masterline grass seed. When you search our website and go to the grass seed section, you’ll see there’s lots of different varieties there for you to choose from. We pretty well have one for every application and every soil type.

Here are some top tips on how to sow your new lawn.

What we’ve got to remember is is when we’re trying to get seed to grow, there are three crucial rules. You need soil contact, you need moisture, and you need soil temperature. If you can remember those three things, then you should be successful at growing grass seed.

The first thing is to rotovate the soil and rake it down to create a fine, smooth, even, stone-free tilth. The optimum time for sowing a new lawn is in September, but providing you are able to water, it can be done at any time of the year between April and October. In ideal conditions, lawn seed should germinate in three to four weeks. It should be mown with a mower on a high setting once it reaches two to three inches high.

How to choose and lay wildflower turf

Wildflower turf is becoming evermore popular with British homeowners and keen gardeners. The beauty of this product is that once laid it offers almost instant impact and does not allow weeds the time to ruin your wildflower project. In this video we explain what wildflower turf is, the different types and how it is supplied by us across the UK.

Video Transcript

Today I just want to talk to you about wildflower turf. We actually provide three different types of wildflower turf. We do a native variety, a native enriched variety, and another variety which is called shade.

Now, the native variety obviously, it only has varieties of grasses with flowers in it which are native to the U.K., whereas the enriched has some extra non-native species in there which are just going to prolong the flowering season and give a little bit of extra color.

The shade variety really says what it does itself, it’s much more suitable for under trees and in areas of shade. The beauty of wildflower turf is that once laid, it creates a wildflower meadow extremely quickly. Literally all you do is purchase it, layer on readily prepared ground and water it. And within weeks, you’re going to have something like this, which is going to start flowering and performing for you right from the start.

The reason that people like using wildflower turf is because preparing a wildflower meadow from seed takes a long time. To get it to this point, to get it this well established and this clean without weeds in it, could take three or four years. So even though wildflower turf isn’t necessarily the cheapest option right from the start, it might well give you better value for money in the long term.

Now, what happens is wildflower turf is grown on a mesh of special soil which is then lifted and delivered to you either in a slab like this, especially when it’s like this in May, this time of year when it’s really been growing quite strong, or maybe off-season, it’s supplied in a roll. It will depend on what it looks like, that depends on the time of the year. So, for argument’s sake, if you receive your wildflower turf in the winter, it will probably look very thin and it won’t look like this, but it’s still just as good, it’s still will come on just as well. However, if you would have purchased this in the middle of the growing season, May, June, obviously this has already had one trim before it’s been harvested because it’s growing strong and it’s really going to perform right off the bat.

So, this is just a close up really of what wildflower turf is, it’s a mixture of grasses which have beautiful seed heads, and then a mixture of lots and lots of different types of wild flowers. On our website, you can go into the product and see the different types of varieties which are in each variety of turf. So we’d highly recommend it, we love carrying out wildflower meadows with wildflower turf and we hope you enjoy using this product.

How to water your lawn with an impact sprinkler

The Lawn Store supply good quality lawn sprinklers known as “Impact Sprinklers”. This video explains how the sprinkler works and how to adjust and set it up for your lawn. Impact sprinklers are often used by professionals as they can cover a large lawn area.

Video Transcript

This is an impact sprinkler. We tend to favour impact sprinklers because they fire the water a long way and they’re quite efficient. We supply this sprinkler so it will attach to a normal garden hose with a click-clack fitting, and there’s lots of adjustments on here which you can do to suit your garden.

So the first thing I want to show you is is you can adjust how far the sprinkler head rotates by adjusting these two tabs here. So if you put this sprinkler say on an edge of a patio and you didn’t want to get the patio wet, you could just have it going backwards and forwards at 180 degrees so it just waters the lawn and not the patio. However, if you wanted it to rotate further, you can adjust accordingly and you can get almost a 360 degree pattern.

What the sprinkler does is when it’s going one way it shoots the water out a long way and then on its return it does the inner part of the curve so that everything has got wet. So these two tabs are very important when you’re trying to adjust your sprinkler to suit your lawn. There is a little clip here which if you pull it out of the way, the sprinkler would just keep going round and round and round, which is actually quite useful if you’re in a low-pressure water situation which won’t activate the mechanism, the mechanism properly, but usually you would keep this clip down so it can go backwards and forwards. 

Now, what we have here is a flap on the top which can be pushed up or down to distort the water if required. We had it on demonstration here a moment ago and we had the flap right out the way which is what most people would do so the water goes the furthest, however, if you didn’t want to get your neighbours wet, for argument’s sake, or if it was going too high, you can just adjust this flap which distorts the water that comes out of this chute here. 

The other way of distorting the water is by this little grub screw that you can wind in and out which has a very similar effect to distort the water flow. So really a really good efficient sprinkler. You can also get the up-and-over type sprinklers but we actually prefer these. Thank you.


How to choose the right soil for your garden

Choosing and purchasing the correct soil for your garden or landscaping project is very important. We explain how our soil is distributed across the UK and take a close look at the different types of top soil we offer. No matter if you require a premium soil, raised bed soil or budget soil we are able to provide and give you quality you can be confident in.

Video Transcript

Hello I just want to talk to you today about our top soil. As you can see, we distribute our soil in generous 800 litre dumpy bags. These dumpy bags are put on a pallet and distributed nationwide. Each bag is distributed nationally via a truck with a tail lift or for larger loads, a truck with a mounted forklift. Today here we’ve got our 10 mil screened top soil. It’s our premium soil which has got 20% compost and 80% good quality soil. It’s so good you can even smell it. I just want to explain to you a little bit about the difference between the two best selling types of top soils that we provide.

On the left here, I’ve got our premium 10 mm screened top soil which has added compost. And here I have our super saver 20 mm screened top soil. When we look at the 10 mm screened, you’ll see it’s a nice dark color. It’s got plenty of goodness and it’s very friable. It’s got lots of goodness and nutrient in it. So it’s ideal for vegetable plots, raised beds, flower borders, any application where you really do want a good quality top soil. And as I say, the biggest particle you’ll find in this is going to be 10 millimetres.

When we move on to our super saver soil, this soil is only screened down to 20 mm particle sizes and it doesn’t have any added compost. As you can see, it’s not as dark and not as fine. But it still has a place. You’re trying to build up some ground where you still need that added bit of drainage or you’re not too fussed on the top quality of the soil. This is the one for you and of course, the best thing is it’s great value for money.

So when you’re making a choice of soil, you need to think about what you’re going to be using it for and how you want it to perform for you.

How to repair a lawn

Top tips and a step by step guide on how to repair your lawn from seed using good quality products from The Lawn Store. Jim Hewlett, who has over 30 years experience in the lawn business explains how you can easily repair your lawn by following a few golden rules for success.

Video Transcript

I’m just going to demonstrate on how we might repair a piece of lawn which is in bad shape. As you can see here, I’ve got a lawn which is quite downtrodden and bare, and what I want to do is to aerate it a little bit, top dress it with some organic lawn repair top dressing mix, and then seed it. What we’ve got to remember is is when we’re trying to get seed to grow, there are three crucial rules. You need soil contact, you need moisture, and you need soil temperature. If you can remember those three things, then you should be successful with growing grass seed.

So the first thing that I’m going to do as part of this process is I’m just going to aerate the surface of this soil before I put any topdressing or seed on, which is going to help it to drain and grow as part of the process. Okay, so now that I’ve loosened up the soil with a fork to aerate it, I’m going to spread our lawn repair mix so I get a nice tilth before I put the seed on. The key is is to getting it to spread nice and thin because it means less brushing in a minute. Always try to give the shovel a bit of a flick and it spread it very evenly. Okay, so the next phase, I’m going to fill my Handy Green spreader with some grass seed and I’m going to spread it over this area at about 30 grams per square metre So give it a good covering. Sometimes with seed in these spreaders, you need to agitate them a little bit so the seed comes out consistently. And for the next phase I’m going to lightly brush the repair mix in so that it’s nice and smooth and we’ve brushed some of that seed into the surface.

Okay, before we start the next phase, I’m going to check the ground, and if it needs a bit more top dressing, I can add to it. And also I like to add a little bit more seed once it’s brushed in on the surface, just to make sure there’s enough there. So last but not least, what we’re going to do now that we’ve put all this down, is we’re going to apply a nice semi organic or organic fertiliser so that it gives the new seed a good start. The key thing is is not too heavy with the fertiliser, probably about 25 grams a metre is going to be adequate. Now, the key thing, now that we’ve got this far, is to make sure that we keep the new seed bed damp at all times until we get some decent germination.

How to use a handy green spreader

The Handy Green lawn spreader supplied by The Lawn Store is a very cost effective handy tool used for applying fertiliser or grass seed in your garden. This video explains how to set up and use the spreader on your lawn.

Video Transcript

This is our Handy Green fertiliser spreader, it’s ideal for small lawns and DIY projects.

It has a guide here on the side which gives you settings, one through to five, and a handle to turn to spread the product. Every product is different so the setting will vary depending on what you’re using. All we do is simply pull in the trigger where my finger is and start fertilising

Purchasing handy packs of lawn seed

Only need a small pack of lawn seed or wildflower seed?
The Lawn Store distribute a range of grass seed in handy-packs all across the UK. Our video explains the different types of seed we offer, how to apply the product and how we can deliver within 2-5 days. Ideal for lawn repairs or sowing small new lawns.

Video Transcript

I just want to explain a little bit about our handy packs of grass seed. These are ideal for those small garden jobs where maybe you’re doing some repairs or even sowing a new lawn from seed. We usually dispatch these within two days and they’ll arrive to you by mail.

I’m going to start with this one which is our general purpose lawn seed. That is what it is, it’s a good selection of fescues and dwarf rye which are good for most lawn applications, covers about 60 square metres. Our Tuff Grass seed, this is one from Johnsons, it really is, it’s quite a new one, actually, and, again, it’s predominantly rye grass. Very hard-wearing and perfect for those patches, especially if you’ve got a dog. Really good for doing those little patches where you’ve had scorching or dieback in your lawn, and a very good over seeder if you’re over seeding your whole lawn.

Going over here to this one, this is the Johnsons Luxury lawn seed, again for finer lawns, it’s got more fescue. It’s a little bit more difficult to get to germinate, you do need quite good soil temperature, but if you’ve got a fine lawn, this is the one you need.

On the end here, I’ve got a couple of slightly more natural varieties. We’ll start with the Johnsons Country Meadow, it’s a mixture of grasses and wildflowers if you want to try to establish a small wildflower meadow. Covers about 40 square metres.

Last but not least, we’ve got our very, very popular eco lawn seed. This is a mixture of grasses and micro clover, so if you’ve got a lawn which is maybe on some poor soil maybe it’s in a bit of shade, this one could be the one for you. The nice thing about clover is is that it puts nitrogen back into the soil so it is really a very low-maintenance plant.

This is our Handy Green fertiliser spreader, it’s ideal for small lawns and DIY projects. It has a guide here on the side which gives you settings, one through to five, and a handle to turn to spread the product. Every product is different so the setting will vary depending on what you’re using. All we do is simply pull in the trigger where my finger is and start fertilising.

How to create a wildflower garden from seed

Creating a wild flower area in your garden can be very attractive and good for the environment. This video offers advice on how to choose the correct wild flower seed for your project and how to create a wild flower meadow. The Lawn Store supply a wide range and mixtures of wild flower seed, distributed directly to you across the UK.

Video Transcript

I just want to talk a little bit about our wildflower seed. When you go onto The Lawn Store website, you’ll see dozens and dozens of different types of seed available.

These are for different environments and also for the different types of wildflower that you might want in your garden. Much depends on soil type as to what will survive in your environment, so it’s always a good idea to be very careful about what you choose. When you buy a bag of wildflower seed it’s likely to turn up in a nice clean foil packet like this. Now it doesn’t look like much but what you’ve got to remember is is that wildflower seed is applied at a much, much lower rate than grass seed. Sometimes only two or three grams a square metre, so it’s always good to check the rates and calculate what you need.

For small areas of wildflower, or some just small areas of your garden, we also supply these little handy packs of Johnsons Meadow Grass and Wildflower seed which is a lovely little cost-effective way of creating at least a small area of wildflower in your garden.

Now you can see here, we’re displaying this on some wildflower turf. You got to remember, creating a wildflower meadow takes time. You want to plan at least a year in advance to make sure the ground is very clean and weed-free, and then when you do sew the seed, it’s going to take three or four years, probably, to get the meadow as established as this. So lots of things to take into consideration when you’re producing a wildflower meadow.

Wildflower felt

We show you how our Wildflower Felt Mat arrives when it is delivered, how to lay it and how it looks 6 months later. Wildflower Felt is grown on a biodegradable felt which contains no plastic. It contains a mixture of native and non-native species to give attractive flora from Spring to Autumn. 

Video Transcript

Today I want to talk about our Lawn Store wildflower felt. As you can see, I’ve got a little project here behind me of a bank which I think will be perfect for a swathe of colourful wild flowers. Wild flower felt is unique in the fact that it’s grown on a biodegradable layer of felt. So once it’s laid and it roots in, the felt will disappear and you’ll have a gorgeous wild flower meadow that you can enjoy for years to come. When I unroll it, you will see that it’s got a lovely mixture of perennial and annual wild flowers, which once rooted in, should create a gorgeous area for your garden. When you order a lawn store felt from The Lawn Store, it will arrive on a pallet with 30 square metres on board. Depending on the time of the year, the appearance of the turf will vary greatly. Sometimes the turf will arrive like this with it looking quite sparse but that’s nothing to worry about it’s because the turf is quite young or it’s been winterised In the growing periods of the year perhaps during the spring or the summer it may arrive with a lot more growth on it but their final result will be the same. Now I want to give you a few tips about how we prepare the ground in preparation for laying the wild flower felt. In fact, any wild flower area would have similar preparation to this no matter what sort of turf you’re going to use or if you’re going to seed that. And the key thing is, is you don’t need to be too particular in the preparation to create a good quality wild flower area. The key thing is, it really does need to be weed and vegetation-free because the last thing you need are unwanted weeds coming up in the turf or the seed at a later date. Now, as you can see, we’ve just completed the laying of the wild flower turf and to be perfectly honest, there’s nothing that glamorous about laying any type of wild flower turf. When it goes down it does look a bit rough but on the other hand, it’s supposed to be natural and I think you’re going to be really surprised about how this comes on over the next few months and when we get to the spring it should look great. Now I just want to show you a few little, a little tips about how we lay wild flower turf. It’s quite simple, when you lay your turf down, you butt the turfs up close together and just lay it like a piece of carpet. There’s no real secret way of doing it just cover the ground. Now, because we’ve got a slope here, I’ve got a couple of little tips for you. When we lay the turf, what I want to do is stop it from slipping down if it’s watered or when we get the next rain because it’s got to have a chance to root in and grip into the bank. So all I do is I cut down some bamboo canes with a pair of secateurs or something like that and I quite simply, at the top of the turf where it’s likely to slip, bang in a cane or two so that it can’t go anywhere. We still got a bit of tidying up to do here yet, a bit of cutting in, so we won’t waste any time and we’ll get on with it. We’re now November, we’re going to come back here in about six months-time probably around about May or June time to see what we’ve got. So, here we are now six months later on the 1st of June. And as you can see, the flowers have burst in the colour. As we go through the year and as different varieties emerge, the colours will change. And the great thing about this is, it’s an absolute haven for wildlife. There are bees and butterflies will enjoy working these wild flowers as we go through the year. When it starts to die back as we go into the winter, it becomes attractive in a different way as the seed heads appear and the frost make it look gorgeous in a totally different way.

How to set up two different types of Impact Sprinkler

Well sell two different types of impact sprinkler, one is suitable for high pressure water, over 4 bar, and the other is suitable for homes with lower water pressure, over 2 bar.  Both sprinklers have a fantastic range to make watering your garden easy.

Video Transcript

This is an impact sprinkler. We tend to favour impact sprinklers because they fire the water a long way and they’re quite efficient. We supply this sprinkler so it will attach to a normal garden hose, with a click clack fitting, and there’s lots of adjustments on here, which you can do to suit your garden. So the first thing I want to show you is, is you can adjust how far the sprinkler head rotates by adjusting these two tabs here. So if you put this sprinkler say on an edge of a patio and you didn’t want to get the patio wet, you could just have it going backwards and forwards at 180 degrees so it just waters the lawn and not the patio. However, if you wanted it to rotate further, you can adjust accordingly and you can get almost a 360 degree pattern. What the sprinkler does, is when it’s going one way, it shoots the water out a long way and then on its return, it does the inner part of the curve so that everything has got wet. So these two tabs are very important when you’re trying to adjust your sprinkler to suit your lawn. There is a little clip here, which if you pull it out the way the sprinkler would just keep going round and round and round, which is actually quite useful if you’re in a low pressure water situation, which won’t activate the mechanism properly, but usually you would keep this clip down so it can go backwards and forwards. Now what we have here is a flap on the top, which can be pushed up or down to distort the water if required. We had on demonstration here a moment ago and we had the flap right out the way, which is what most people would do so the water goes the furthest. However, if you didn’t want to get your neighbours wet for argument sake or who was going too high, you can just adjust this flap, which distorts the water that comes out at this shoot here. The other way of distorting the water is by this little grub screw that you can wind in and out, which has a very similar effect to distort the water flow. So really a really good efficient sprinkler, you can also get the up and over type sprinklers, but we actually prefer these. So we have here an alternative type of impact sprinkler, as you can see it looks a bit different to the regular one, but these become really popular because they tend to work better with lower water pressure. They fire the water a long way, which we really like and they just seem to be really efficient. They work in a very similar way to the standard impact sprinkler, they have your adjusters in just the same way and a distortion screw. They don’t have this little flap on the top, but I don’t think that really matters, it doesn’t get used very often, anyhow. So for gardens, with sort of normal water pressure or even high water pressure, we’d really recommend these. We tend to sell a lot of them. They’ve become a really popular in recent years.

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